Rent a Car #1 Bucharest - Terms and Conditions

1. Contractual conditions

1.1. The Client declares on his own liability that he fulfills all the conditions on the hereby agreement and that he does not try to deceive the owner of the rented car.
1.2. The rented car is to be used only on the Romanian territory and it is forbidden to take it out of the country under any form. In case this provision is not respected, the Provider keeps the entire guarantee and insures his right to request compensations of €2000 by taking legal actions to the competent courts.

2. Age

2.1. The minimum age admitted to renting a car is 21, an additional condition is that the driver should have a driving license for a minimum of 1 year.
2.2. The conditions mentioned above are also valid for the additional driver if this is the case.

3. Delivery and return

3.1.1. The car delivery is made in compliance with the hereby agreement and with the annex that is part of this agreement.
3.1.2. The car must be delivered clean and in optimal functioning conditions, without hidden flaws, and in case there are minor flaws, the Provider is bound to inform the Client about this.
3.1.3. The car delivery is made with copies after the car papers and are valid with the lease agreements.
3.1.4. The car is delivered after the conclusion of a lease agreement between the Client and the Provider and after the guarantee established beforehand is cashed up as well as the lease tax for the entire period established in the agreement.
3.2.1. The return of the vehicle is done according to the data stipulated in the agreement on the established date, hour and place and in case the Client does not inform the Provider on the potential delays, he reserves the right to inform the police on the theft of the rented vehicle after 3 hours.
3.2.2. The Client undertakes to return the vehicle and its accessories in the same conditions as delivered.

4. Utilization conditions

4.1. The Client undertakes to respect all the conditions regarding the rented vehicle by signing the hereby agreement.
4.2. The Client is bound to respect the Romanian legislation regarding the car driving on public roads.
4.3. The Client undertakes not to overload the car as far as the number of passengers and weight is concerned over the maximum acceptable limit in the car card.
4.4. The Client also undertakes not to tow with the vehicle another car, caravan, etc.
4.5. The Client must not drive the rented vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs, sedatives or any other substance meant to affect his driving capacity.
4.6. The Client may drive the car only on public roads (national or county roads) and he is forbidden to drive the car on the country, un-asphalted roads, and forest roads or in mountain expeditions.
4.7. Any inappropriate utilization of the car by the Client or of the problems caused by his lack of care (leaving the car with the keys in contact, forgetting windows open, etc), makes him totally responsible.
4.8. In case of any flaw during the renting period, the Client is bound to inform the Provider on the problems occurred and to carry out the repairs only in services that are authorized and approved by the Provider.

5. Payment and various taxes

5.1. The Client must pay the counter value of the amounts from the annex: renting tax, airport tax of €20 if this is the case, guarantee.
5.2. The car is delivered with a full tank and in case the Client returns the car with missing fuel he will be charged on €1,5/liter.
5.3. The car is delivered clean on the inside and on the outside and in case he is returned without having been washed, a tax of €10 will be charged. If when returning there are scratches the amount of €50 will be withheld from the guarantee for polishing the car in order to remove them.
5.4. If the Client wishes to return the car before falling due, the Provider reserves the right to return no difference.
5.5. The minimum renting period is 1 day (24 hours) with a kilometer limit of 200 and whatever exceeds the limit established above will be charged on €0.4/km. From 2 days on there is no kilometer limit. In case the Client will delay the return of the car by more than 2 hours over the established hour for returning it, he is bound to pay the tariff for another renting day.
5.6. All the fines received due to the breach of the laws on circulation on public roads represent the payment obligations of the Client. Parking, bridge taxes or any other taxes that occur during the renting period from using the car are to be exclusively paid by the Client. Furthermore, the Client is also to pay the vignette tax (using the roads outside the town where the renting is carried out).
5.7. If during the renting period damages caused to the covers by cutting, stinging, and explosion occur, their repair is the user’s task.
5.8. In case the car when returning shows scratches, taken-off paint, torn or burnt seat covers or any other damages coming from the ill intention use of the Client then the guarantee will be totally withheld. The same thing happens when the car keys or car papers are lost or damaged.
5.9. The damages caused to the car by inappropriate utilization or inadequate utilization with regard to its destination, those caused by ill intention and abusive utilization, functioning, the overheating of the engine temperature and continuing to use it, bad utilization of the gearbox or electric widows, represent the Client’s responsibility.

6. Insurance

6.1. The Provider is bound to rent the car only after he makes sure the rented car has a valid mandatory insurance policy and CASCO policy. Insurances are valid only in Romania.
6.2. The Client is responsible for any damage caused to the car while the lease agreement is valid so that the Client undertakes to pay all the damages coming from the inappropriate utilization of the car, as well as all the damages coming from the breach of the clauses stipulated in the agreement and mentioned above at chapters 4 and 5 (utilization conditions and taxes).
6.3. The Client will have to bear the damages produced by thefts or theft attempts of the car, its sub ensembles, accessories in case the theft or the theft attempt are not confirmed by the police by a report.
6.4. Any damage produced to the car during the renting period represents a payment obligation of the Client, but in case CASCO insurance insures the covering of the damages then the Client will be responsible to the Provider only by paying the guarantee provided for the rented car.

7. Accident, damages, various damages

7.1. The Client is bound to protect the interests of the Provider and the insurance company in case of accident, theft or for various damages brought to the rented car.
7.2. In case of any incident or accident, this must be communicated to the Provider within maximum 2 hours since its occurrence.
7.3. In case of an accident, various damages or theft, the Client must obtain the following documents:
a) police report with the signature of the officer who made the report and the stamp of the police section.
b) repair authorization that must contain the signature of the officer who made the report and the stamp of the police section.
c) identity card or passport and the driving license in a copy of the drivers involved in the accident.
7.4. Without the documents mentioned above, or in case the Client/driver has broken the Romanian laws or the Romanian road code or any of the points within the hereby lease agreement, the Client remains responsible for all the damages, costs and/or losses caused to the Provider.
7.5. In case the Provider may bring evidence to the Client that the latter did not respect important clauses within the agreement such as excess of legal speed by more than 50 km/h, the fact that he drove on other roads than the allowed ones etc, he is entitled to wholly withheld the guarantee left by the Client even if the car has incurred no visible damages due to the bad utilization.

8. Special clauses

8.1. Any amendments to this agreement are null in case there is no additional act signed by both parties.

9. Disputes

9.1. All disputes regarding this agreement will be amicably solved, on the contrary case, they will be solved by the competent courts.

Date of last update: 1 August 2019
